HANDS ON FEET: The New System that Makes Reflexology a Snap!

Hands on Feet Book Description:

Understanding reflexology doesn’t have to be difficult! In Hands on Feet, you’ll find a complete history of reflexology, along with a list of the top 10 benefits of reflexology and descriptions of different reflexology techniques, such as kneading, thumb-walking, and finger-crossing. Also included is a pair of Reflexology Sox™, the new revolutionary tool designed by massage therapist Michelle R. Kluck. These silky ultra-thin socks offer a map of the human body on the soles of your feet—and indicate exactly where you should press to affect certain parts of the body and alleviate ailments due to allergies, anxiety, depression, hangovers, headaches, migraines, PMS, and more!

Success Through Play™ notes: Always consult a qualified medical professional for any health concerns that you have. It is important to find out the underlying causes of any illness, disease, injury or pain. Alternative therapies such as Reflexology can he helpful as an ADJUNCT to Western medicine. We are Success Through Play believe in the power of Integrative Medicine (combining Western and Eastern Philosophies). Please visit www.DrWeil.com for more info

About the Author

Michelle R. Luck-Ebbin, is a leading expert in infant and pregnancy massage, and a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (C.I.M.I). She is a founder of the Los Angeles based Basic Knead, which creates innovative massage therapy products. She is a member of the American Massage Therapy Association, the International Association of Infant Massage, and the Reflexology Association of America.

Visit the Basic Knead store to view the variety of innovative massage therapy products, which are sure to make fantastic gifts or simply treat yourself! The store carries gifts for the entire family, including your pets. Michelle R. Kluck has been a practicing massage therapist for more than 10 years. Her clients have included such celebrities as Salma Hayek, Peter Gabriel, and Alexandra Paul.

Reflexology Sox™ Features :

  • Unisex, one-size fits all.
  • Exclusive, high-quality nylon/lycra fabric-allows the wearer to feel the touch
  • Unique design shows reflex points on feet that correspond with body parts.
  • Specific area on the Reflexology Sox™ are colored according to chakra colors of the corresponding body parts. Includes an easy-to-follow information booklet that teachers how to give the mnost effective foot massage possible for relaxation and better health.


Hands on Feet Book (one pair of reflexology sox™ are included)

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Reflexology Sox™

Additional sox™ can be purchased here:

Success Through Play™ Comments:

Basic Knead was kind enough to send us a review copy of the Hands on Feet Book plus an additional pack of Reflexology Sox™..

Highlights of the book include:

  • How to prepare for a reflexology treatment
  • Detailed description of reflexology techniques
  • How to use the Reflexology Sox™
  • Ideas for how you and your partner can give each other a foot massage simultaneously
  • Aromatherapy for Reflexology (A chart listing oils, aromas and emotional effects)
  • Helpful hints for success
  • The book concludes with a fantastic resource section where can find out how to learn more about Reflexology and locate a Reflexologist in your area.

Reflexology Sox

As mentioned previously a pair of reflexology socks are included with the book. When you purchase the socks separately, they will come with a pamphlet which introduces you to reflexology and explains some techniques for reflexology. A key stand out of the pamphlet is the colored diagram (representing parts of your body) of a left and right foot with an explanation of what reflexology offers with reference to each part of your body for example: “stimulating the sinus point of the feet may help to relieve congestion or clogged sinuses”. The pamphlet will serve as a handy resource which you are bound to refer to time and time again. The Reflexology Sox™ are silky and luxurious and are a very innovative product which will help introduce you to Reflexology. They were originally designed for Michelle’s Reflexology clients who travel frequently and were introduced as a “self help tool” for her clients to practice reflexology when they were away on their travels. The sox™ make a wonderful fun gift and are great for both men and women!

The Power of Touch

Whether it’s giving someone a hug, a massage or simply holding their hand, the power of touch is undeniable and is all too often neglected in our modern day society. Make the time to reconnect with your loved ones daily so that you can all enjoy the benefits of touch. Western Medicine is beginning to acknowledge the benefits of many Eastern Approaches to health and wellness and we have certainly been inspired to look into Reflexology in more detail.

What are your thoughts on Reflexology? Have you had a reflexology treatment before?

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